Notebook Metatron Cube
In the Mystic Journal notebook series, archetypal symbols adorn the covers from a collection of eight different designs embossed with gold, inspired by the inner tradition of both the east and the west.
Each notebook will find it attached to a hard cover with rounded corners and gold lining, including a silk bookmark and a round decorated back. The notes of or nonvisual-content is made possible since the paper selected for its interior is a European pallet and its pages are not striped.
Also inside you will find a short description of the cover sign in English.
The materials used are ecological and recyclable.
A known two-dimensional harmonic structure consisting of thirteen circles in a double hexagonal configuration and the lines joining their centers. The structure of the Metthron cube arises from the union of the circles of the flower of life.
Observing this structure, we can see five five-dimensional geometric shapes. These shapes, known as “perfect solids,” are the cube, the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the twelve and the twentieth. These five solids are the only ones that their angles touch on the sphere. Their combinations create all the molecular structures of the Universe.
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